Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Impact of Progress

Before delving into the different aspects of a concept as complex as 'progress', one must become familiar with the term. Progress by definition is thought to be positive, an advancement forwards. However it is evident that economical progress often has its side effects; ecological, moral disadvantages.

Greed, being a fundamental component of human nature, has consistently played a prominent role in our 'development'. Greed encourages the human race to opt for rapid, effective, short term developments as opposed to effective, slower, sustainable development. We want more, and we want it now. During the period in which the already developed nations of today were still developing, there was a complete disregard to the ecological, social, financial and moral consequences of economical development. In order for the capitalists to reign, they must take advantage of the lower proletarians; a clear example of exploitation (a moral issue). The planet went into overdraft due to overconsumption, we were draining from the Earth's its resources in oder to 'economically develop'. By not taking into consideration the external consequences of our rapid development, the increasing lack of sustainbility was inevitable. Due to our intensely capitalistic societies, the higher class does not feel the effects of their wrongdoings. It is the proletariats that suffer from our greed. On the other hand, since the underprivileged are so pre-occupied with mere survival, it is up to those who are responsible for this catastrophe to pull the world out of the grave we are digging for ourselves.