Cartoons are a form of social media aimed at a younger audience. Including ecological awareness in kid's cartoons is an exceptionally effective method of raising awareness of ecological issues amongst the younger generation; the generation that has been placed with the burden of taking our environmental issues upon their shoulders and solving.
1. Captain Planet
2. Lisa Simpson
Lisa is one of those conscientious kids who make everyone feel a little guilty about their own self-indulgences. The small acts of environmental kindness she takes part seem to tug a little on the heart's of those who understand why she is the way she is. Her planting a lemon tree for meditation purposes makes those watching the show with an ounce of morality and intelligence question their own spiritual beliefs. She petitions to stop Mr. Burns from using six pack wrappers to catch materials for 'Lil' Lisa's Slurry', part of an episode in which Mr. Burns attempts to become environmentally friendly but only results in adding to Springfield's ecological issues. She even canvasses the town in the Simpson's Movie, urging citizens to be aware of the mercury content in Springfield Lake. This kid really is one of the only kids in the cartoon industry I would personally advise little children to emulate.
3. Bambi
Despite its initial impression as an innocent movie about forest creatures, Bambi introduces some intense environmental issues. From hunting to deforestation (Bambi's mother is killed by a poacher and humans set Bambi's forest home on fire), Bambi is a grim reminder of the greedy nature of humans and the chaos we are inflicting upon our Earth.
4. The Lorax
Though The Lorax is technically a book and not a TV cartoon, it has to be mentioned in this list of greenest cartoon characters. At first it seems like a nonsensical children's story (the first impression of many Dr. Seuss books) however it is actually a powerful social commentary, relying on anthropomorphism and allegory to point out that it is our own destructive, wasteful ways that our ruining the Earth.
In the book, the 'Once-ler' cuts down a load of trees to set up a store called 'Thneeds' that sells stuff he insists that 'everyone needs'.
Sound familiar to you? Deforestation = to build homes and raise cattle - real thneeds, things that everyone needs. What people must realise, is that before you can build a house and raise cattle for food, WE must EXIST. The Earth dictates our existence and if the Earth is deteriorating and slowly ceasing to exist as it was, consequently so will we. We are cutting down trees to make houses, but before we need houses we need oxygen. The human race needs to set its priorities straight.
5. The Smurfs
The Smurf's may not be living lifestyles realistic to the human race today and they may not be providing effective solutions to our current situation, but you must admire the simple lives they live. These little blue creatures live in the far reaches of the forest in mushrooms. Unlike humans, they manage to coexist happily with the Earth, inhabiting its growth and eating its leaves enough for their survival, but not in excess. The Smurfs will definitely not put the Earth into ecological overdraft since they take only what they need and refrain from destroying the Earth. These tiny creatures disregard modern conveniences, instead choosing to live off the land and reap its benefits. The Smurfs are a perfect example of what life used to be like for us humans during the time in which in Earth and the human race were on, coexisting in a relatively interdependent relationship (though we need from the Earth more than it needs from us).
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